American Institute of Leadership Training

Job Excellence

Job Skills at AIL Training

At AIL Training, our Job Skills programs are designed to help individuals excel in their careers by developing essential corporate skills and achieving professional goals. Our certification programs provide comprehensive training that equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive job market.


3 Day Job Skills Workshop

This workshop will help you develop skills that employers want. In this workshop, you will learn tools to explore career options besides learning to build a solid resume and specific skills to present yourself in an interview.


Workshop takeaways:

  • How to build a solid resume
  • Discover where your true talent lies
  • Identify skills and experience required for the job
  • Communicate with absolute command
  • Learn to negotiate your salary
  • Learn how to dress up in an interview
  • Learn how to answer interview questions
  • Negotiate salary
  • Ask powerful questions
  • Identify future skills for acquiring top jobs

Job Skills Certification

Our Job SkillsCertification programs are structured to provide comprehensive training at various levels, ensuring you have the skills and knowledge required to excel in your career.

Level I: Basic Skills

  • Overview: This introductory level focuses on essential corporate skills and foundational knowledge. It’s perfect for those starting their careers or looking to solidify their basic skills.
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Topics Covered:
    • Basic Communication: Learn effective verbal and written communication techniques.
    • Time Management: Master the basics of prioritizing tasks and managing your time efficiently.
    • Professional Etiquette: Understand the fundamentals of professional behavior and workplace decorum.

Level II: Intermediate Skills

  • Overview: Building on the foundational skills from Level I, this intermediate program offers more advanced training. It’s designed for professionals looking to enhance their skill set and take on more responsibilities.
  • Duration:  2 day
  • Topics Covered:
    • Advanced Communication Techniques: Improve your public speaking and presentation skills.
    • Conflict Resolution: Learn strategies for resolving workplace conflicts effectively.
    • Project Management: Gain insights into managing projects, meeting deadlines, and achieving goals.

Level III: Advanced Skills

  • Overview: This advanced program is aimed at those who aspire to leadership roles or want to excel at the highest levels of their profession. It focuses on mastering complex skills and strategic thinking.
  • Duration:  3 day
  • Topics Covered:
    • Leadership Development: Develop essential leadership qualities and learn how to inspire and lead teams.
    • Strategic Thinking: Learn to think strategically, plan long-term, and make decisions that drive success.
    • Executive Communication: Master high-level communication skills required for executive roles.